Home Loan Experts

Quick Summary



Owned by:

Crucis Pty. Ltd.

Funded by:

National Australia Bank & Challenger (Advantedge)

LMI Provider:

None at the moment (loans are not provided above 80% loan to value ratio (LVR))

Lender type:

Non Banks, Specialist Lender

VMG specializes in near-prime residential mortgages and hence provides loans to borrowers who might not meet traditional lending requirements of major lenders.

VMG is a family-owned and managed business. Thus far, it has financed over 30,000 home loans.

Being a non-bank specialist lender, VMG focuses on near-prime residential mortgages and has a flexible lending policy. VMG is also well known for its excellent customer service.

Compare VMG to other lenders

Still not sure which lender is right for you? Talk to one of our specialist mortgage brokers at Home Loan Experts.

We will first discuss your situation, complete a pre-assessment and find a couple of suitable lender options for you.

Give us a call on 1300 889 743 or fill in our free online enquiry form.

What home loan types do VMG have?

VMG has been giving a second chance to customers who are knocked back by major-lenders due to their rigorous credit standards and policies.

The loans that they provide are designed to work well with a flexible credit policy.

The two main types of loans that it provides are debt consolidation loans and small business loans. Asides the two, it also provides a wide range of loans, including but not limited to:

Victorian Mortgage Group (VMG) Client Story

VMG client story Nicholas, VIC


To refinance a home loan and consolidate some debt.


Self-employed, poor debt conduct.


Nicholas was having a hard time making repayments for his personal debts and credit card debts because of the high-interest rates.

He wanted to refinance his existing home loan to pay off his existing debts through debt consolidation. By doing so, he would have just one loan repayment to make and that too at a much lower residential home loan interest rate.

A home loan is the cheapest credit available in the market.

Nicholas did not have bad credit, but he would often make late repayments which appear on his credit file and is considered to be a higher risk by the lenders.

This meant major-banks would not approve his application as his poor debt conduct would bring down his credit score. So, he had to look for specialist lenders to help him consolidate his debts.


Nicholas was able to refinance his home loan for debt consolidation through VMG.

When it comes to credit scores, VIC uses a common-sense approach rather than a strict credit scoring system. Therefore, his poor debt conduct was not a problem for them.

On verifying Robert’s income tax returns, his self-employment too did not pose a significant risk to the lender.

His home loan got approved at a variable rate of 4.89% p.a., which was higher than what major banks would offer but much lower than the interest rate for his personal debts and credit card debts.

The debt consolidation through refinancing made Nicholas financially stronger than before.

What’s more, he will be able to refinance his loan to a major lender at a very competitive interest rate once the previous late repayments fall off his credit file (it appears on your credit file for 24 months).

Find out if you are qualified to apply with this lender

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Tips for applying with VMG

  • Do not apply if your loan to value (LVR) is more than 80%; VIC is not at all flexible with its LVR policy.
  • You can submit documents to VMG’s credit accessor for review, through your broker, even before sending a formal loan application.
  • Since their interest rates are not very competitive, apply only when a major lender is not an option.

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