Tree plantation

Tree Plantation for every review

Frequently Asked Question

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What is the objective of the project?

To create a collective contribution to the reforestation project in Australia by planting a tree for every review received from clients with formally approved or settled files.

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Is this for Google Reviews only or both Product and Google Reviews?

This would be applicable for both google and product reviews.

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Who are our partners in the initiative?

Carbon Positive Australia will partner with us on this project.

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Do we have a target number?

We want to plant at least 600 trees this year.

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Where are the planting sites?

Currently, the planting sites are mainly in Western Australia. Some of the areas we are aiming to assist in 2022/23 are Eurardy Reserve (WA), Nimbin (NSW), Tootanellup (WA), Canna (WA) and Porongurup (WA).