Home Loan Experts

How The New Stage 3 Tax Cuts Boost Your Borrowing Power

Blog author

Otto Dargan


Takes only 5 minutes


31 Jan, 2024


Updated: 02 Aug, 2024

The Stage 3 Tax Cuts in Australia are expected to impact the borrowing power of individuals, particularly middle-income earners, by potentially increasing their income and borrowing capacity.

We did the calculations on how the changes affect your borrowing power.

How Your Borrowing Power Increases With The Stage 3 Tax Cuts

Our team of experts worked on calculating how the tax cuts affect your borrowing power.

Gross Annual IncomeOld Tax CutNew Tax CutIncrease In IncomeMax Borrowing Amount 2023-24Max Borrowing Amount 2024-25Increase in Borrowing Capacity
$20,000$342 $288 $54$50,644$51,241$597

(The calculations in the table are based on the following assumptions: Single applicant with no dependants, purchasing an owner-occupied property with an 80% loan-to-value ratio. The income considered is solely the PAYG base salary, and there are no additional liabilities. Living expenses are assessed using the Household Expenditure Measure. The loan term assumes a 30-year principal and interest loan with a standard variable rate of 6.45% and a buffer rate of 3%.)

The borrowing capacity of those making $80,000 could increase by $16,722, and a higher-income earner making $150,000 can borrow an additional $41,019.

What Are The Changes In The Stage 3 Tax Cuts?

The changes include a lower tax for those in the lower-to-middle-income range from $18,201 to $135,000, increasing the threshold for the highest tax bracket to $190,000, and flattening the brackets where most income earners fall. The changes are expected to provide relief from “bracket creep” and make the tax system simpler.

If approved by Parliament, the tax cuts will go into effect on 1 July this year.

Tax BracketNew Tax CutsPrevious Tax Cuts
Earn up to $18,200Pay no taxPay no tax
$18,201-$45,00016% tax rate19% tax rate
$45,001-$135,00030% tax rate32.5% tax rate
$135,001-$190,00037% tax rate37% tax rate
Above $190,00045% tax rate45% tax rate

Get The Experts On Your Side

With increased income and borrowing capacity come new opportunities for financial planning. It’s crucial to assess your situation and align your financial goals.

If you aim to buy a home and invest wisely, the team at Home Loan Experts are passionate about helping you. Call us on 1300 889 743 or enquire online free, today.