Home Loan Experts

It's free for existing clients

As part of our services we offer a free annual review to all clients.

The reason is that banks can play games with your interest rate or come out with discounts for new clients which they don’t tell you about.

We also sometimes find that clients are not using all of the important features of their mortgage.

What do we look for?

When we complete an annual review of your loan, we will check:

  • Has the lender changed your interest rate?
  • Is your interest rate still competitive?
  • Have your situation, needs or requirements changed?
  • Do you have any future plans such as starting a family, upgrading your home or buying an investment property?
  • Are you using the loan effectively?
  • Are you experiencing financial hardship?

What do I need to do?

When it is time for your annual review all you need to do is email us with the most recent statement for your home loan.

Most of our clients download a statement and a transaction history from internet banking and email this to their mortgage broker. The transaction history should be for the time between the end of the most recent statement and now.

We also ask that you answer the following questions:

Has anything in your situation changed significantly such as your income, expenses, family size or living arrangements?

Do you have any future plans such as starting a family, upgrading your home or buying an investment property?

Do you know of anything that may happen in the future which could adversely affect your situation?

When is my next review?

We will email you on the anniversary of the settlement date for your loan and let you know that it is time for your annual review.

Please make sure that you let us know if your email address changes so that we can stay in touch with you.

What if I need help now?

If you need our help between annual reviews then of course we can still assist you. Feel free to contact your mortgage broker to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.

Remember that we are here to help you for the life of your mortgage, not just when you are applying for your loan. Your bank isn’t going to tell you if they are overcharging you but we will!

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With our award-winning mortgage brokers, tough home loan approvals become a breeze.