Author: Otto Dargan

Australian Property Prices To Go Further Up By 17%?

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 25, 2021

According to ANZ’s latest predictions, Australian property prices for the next few months will now be up by 17%. While ANZ earlier predicted only a 9% raise, the sharp property price upsurge in November led it to contradict this statement. Sydney and Perth have the...

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Rate Cuts For Self-Employed Borrowers

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 16, 2021

A non-bank lender has announced that it has made rate cuts and waived some of its fees across its home loans products. This is geared towards supporting self-employed borrowers in investing in property or refinancing and consolidating their debts. The lender has slashed interest...

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Sydney’s Property Values Skyrocket

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 15, 2021

According to CoreLogic, Sydney’s property values have recovered beyond their peak in 2017. According to Tim Lawless, CoreLogic’s Executive Research Director, “Since housing values found a floor in October last year, Sydney home values have risen 5.7% to...

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Property Affordability In Cities Hit A Decline

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 12, 2021

Now that the economic distress brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic is fading, the property market in Australia has become a seller’s market. Buyers are currently looking for larger accommodations after their experience with the lockdown and a rise in remote working...

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Mortgage Deferral Down At $32 Billion—Should You Worry?

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 7, 2021

The economic crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic last year prompted lenders to grant a mortgage deferral to borrowers. The mortgage ‘holiday’ acted as a relief for many. Of the total home loan takers across lender banks, 10% accepted the offer and paused their...

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Auction Figures Declining After A Steady Rise

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 5, 2021

Auction volume has dipped this week following an acceleration in the previous weeks. Typically the market peaks before Easter, so it’s no surprise to see this drop-off, but given the current surge in prices, the market might behave differently in 2021. Fewer homes are scheduled...

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House Prices See Fastest Rise In 17 Years

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 4, 2021

Australia’s housing market values are rising at the fastest rate in 17 years! The home value index for February 2021 was 2.1%, which is the largest month-on-month change in the index since 2003. According to Tim Lawless, Head of Research at CoreLogic, “The last...

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Brisbane Is Booming

personOtto Dargan access_timeMarch 4, 2021

Australia’s sunshine capital is experiencing a boom right now, with prices growing in all regions in Brisbane in February 2021. According to CoreLogic figures, property prices in all the regions of Brisbane grew in February 2021. The February increase is the steepest rise...

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Australian Property Market Update: January 2021

personOtto Dargan access_timeFebruary 10, 2021

Australia’s housing market is experiencing a recovery, with home values rising by 0.9% in January 2021.  All the capital and regional cities record a rise in their home values, with regional capitals averaging 1.6% growth while capital cities averaged 0.7%.  Why...

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What Will Happen To Australia’s Property Market In 2021?

personOtto Dargan access_timeJanuary 6, 2021

In 2020, overall Australian home values were 3% higher, with regional housing values rising by 6.9% – over three times higher than that of combined capitals. In December, the national home value index rose 1%, which was the third consecutive month-on-month rise in home...

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