Home Loan Experts

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Home Loan Articles Infographics

Your Mortgage Repayments: How Much Is Interest?

Mortgage repayments include interest and ongoing costs like account keeping fees. How much of your repayments are actually paying down your home loan?


An aerial view of a suburban neighbourhood featuring a variety of modern houses with tiled roofs and lush greenery. The dense cluster of homes is surrounded by trees, creating a picturesque and serene residential area.

Did You Know That Land Used To Be Free In Australia?

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Cadmans Cottage: The Story of the Oldest House in Sydney

The History of the Australian Home Loan Industry

A gavel is held above a model house in an outdoor setting, representing a property auction or a significant decision in real estate, with greenery in the background.

9 Myths About Home Loans Exposed

How do you know if fixing your home loan is right for you?

8 Powerful Reasons You Need A Mortgage Broker