Home Loan Experts

Guarantor Loan Calculator

Your Purchase Details

Guarantor's Property Details

Limited Guarantee Size

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Disclaimer: The above results are based on the limited information you have provided. This calculator is a guide, so it's best to seek financial advice before deciding. Please read our terms and conditions here.

How does this calculator work?

The Guarantor Loan Calculator is a precise, user-friendly tool designed to estimate the limited guarantee size required for your home loan application when using a guarantor, as well as provide insight into potential approval challenges with lenders. By entering specific details into the calculator such as the value of the property you plan to purchase, the amount you intend to borrow, the value of your guarantor’s property, and any outstanding loan amount on their property, you’ll receive an immediate result that reflects your borrowing potential.

Unlike standard home loans, policies for guarantor loans can vary from one bank to another. As a result, it’s essential to understand how each lender will view your application. Applying with the right lender the first time around prevents you from damaging your credit score by having too many unnecessary enquiries on your credit file.

For more information, visit our page on guarantor home loans. It covers loan types, strategies for managing the size of your guarantee, and how you can potentially borrow above 100% of the property’s value.

Why Choose Home Loan Experts?
  • While many bank managers and mortgage brokers lack experience with guarantor loans, we handle these arrangements every day.
  • Our team fully understands lender preferences, approval processes, and effective loan structuring.
  • Above all, we focus on safeguarding your guarantor’s interests every step of the way.

If you’d like to speak to a specialist mortgage broker, call 1300 889 743 or click below to enquire with an expert.

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