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Not everyone’s dream is to own a house on a large block. For some, an apartment may be more appealing. Choosing between an apartment and a house can be challenging, as both have their pros and cons. The right choice for you will depend on your priorities, budget, lifestyle and future plans. In this article, we’ll explore the factors you should consider, along with the benefits and disadvantages of buying apartments and houses.

Factors You Should Carefully Consider Before Buying A Property

Taking into account these factors will help you assess your circumstances and priorities.


Apartments are often more affordable than houses, particularly in urban areas; however, houses may offer more space and potential for appreciation in value.


Apartments are often located in or near urban centres, which can be convenient for work or leisure activities but houses may offer more space and a quieter, more suburban lifestyle. There are various factors that contribute to making a location desirable.


Size can make a difference here. If you are a single person or a couple without children, an apartment may be more suitable, as it is easier to maintain and has less space to clean. If you have a family, a house may offer more space and privacy.

Maintenance Fees

Both apartments and houses require maintenance, but the level required can differ. For example, apartments may have shared spaces that require maintenance, while houses may require more outdoor maintenance like landscaping and lawn care. Generally, apartments require less maintenance than houses but there can be hefty maintenance fees.

Future Plans

Your future plans may also play a role in your decision. If you plan on starting a family or having more space for guests, a house may be more suitable. If you plan on moving in the near future or want a more low-maintenance lifestyle, an apartment may be a better option.


Apartments may come with amenities like a gym or swimming pool, while houses typically do not. Consider what amenities are important to you and whether you are willing to pay strata fees for them.

Resale Value

It is important to consider the housing market and the potential for appreciation when assessing the resale value of any property. Houses may appreciate more quickly in value than apartments, which can be an important factor if you plan on selling in the future.

Still Not Sure?

Home Loan Experts’ specialist mortgage broker Rojan Paudel, says:

“Normally, apartments are more affordable than houses. If you are looking to live near a city, an apartment might help a first-home buyer get into the market sooner. That being said, having a house equals more land, so it may potentially have more capital growth than an apartment. This is not enough to make a decision, it’s crucial to analyse your personal circumstances and financial situation.”

To help you make an informed decision, you can seek guidance from Home Loan Experts’ mortgage brokers. We can provide you with up-to-date information on market conditions and assess your circumstances, assisting you in choosing the best option for your needs. Call us on 1300 889 743 or enquire online for an assessment,free.

Benefits Of Buying An Apartment

Apartments generally have lower upfront costs, require less maintenance, and offer more flexibility.


One of the biggest advantages of buying an apartment is affordability. In most cases, apartments are cheaper than houses, making them a popular choice for first-home buyers or anyone on a tight budget. You can often find apartments in prime locations that you might not be able to afford if you were looking for a house.

Low Maintenance

Another advantage of buying an apartment is that it requires less maintenance than a house. In most cases, the building management takes care of the common areas, such as the lobby, hallways and elevator, as well as any repairs or upgrades needed for the exterior of the building. This means you don’t have to worry about tasks such as mowing the lawn, fixing the roof, or repainting the exterior.


Many apartments come with security features, such as CCTV cameras or a 24-hour guard. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that your home is secure, especially if you live alone or travel frequently. Additionally, apartments are often in gated communities or buildings, which adds an extra layer of security.


Living in an apartment often means having access to amenities such as a gym, swimming pool, sauna or community centre. These amenities can save you money and time, as you won’t have to pay for a gym membership or travel to another location to use them. Additionally, these facilities can provide an opportunity to socialise with your neighbours and create a sense of community.


Apartments are often located in prime locations, such as downtown areas or near public transport, which can be a major advantage if you work in the city or want to be close to cultural attractions, restaurants and shopping centres.

Investment Potential

Buying an apartment can be a good investment, especially if you plan to rent it out or sell it in the future. Apartments are often in high demand, especially in urban areas, which can make them a valuable asset. Additionally, if you buy one that needs renovation, you can increase its value by making upgrades and improvements.

Disadvantages Of Buying An Apartment

Buying an apartment may have some potential drawbacks, too, which should be considered before making a purchase.

Limited Privacy And Space

Living in an apartment may mean less privacy, as they are typically close to other units and may have shared walls or floors. Noise levels can also be a concern. Additionally, apartments typically have limited space compared with houses, which can make it challenging to store items, accommodate larger furniture or if you have a lot of belongings.

Limited Control Over Building Maintenance and Customisation

There may be limitations on the modifications or renovations that you can make to the apartment, as maintenance is typically handled by the building management. This can lead to inconvenience for some homeowners. Additionally, maintenance fees and other associated costs can be a burden, as these fees are often required to cover the upkeep of shared spaces and facilities.

Less Appreciation

Apartments can be more affordable than houses; that can make it easier to get into the property market, but it may also mean that a unit won’t appreciate in value as quickly as a more expensive house.

Benefits Of Buying A House

Buying a house can provide a sense of security, stability and independence that may not be available in apartments, especially for those looking to settle down and establish long-term roots.

Privacy And Space

One of the main benefits of buying a house is the increased privacy and space it provides. Unlike apartments, houses typically have a backyard and a greater distance between neighbouring properties, which can provide a sense of personal space.

Customisation And Personalisation

Buying a house allows for more customisation and personalisation than apartments. Homeowners can renovate and decorate the interior and exterior of their property to their liking, without having to obtain approval from a landlord or homeowners’ association.

Potential For Appreciation

When it comes to the value of properties, apartments generally have a higher building value, while houses have a higher land value. Over the long term, land tends to appreciate in value, while buildings tend to degrade. This means that a house may be a better option for capital gains, while an apartment may offer better rental returns. However, these are general rules and the location of the property can also have an impact.

More Equity

Buying a house can be a smart investment, as the property can appreciate in value over time, building equity for homeowners. They can also use their equity to secure loans for future financial needs. In addition, homeowners may be eligible for tax deductions and credits, including mortgage interest and property tax deductions, which can assist in easing the expenses associated with owning a home.

Disadvantages Of Buying A House

Buying a house can be a significant financial and emotional investment, and it is essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Here are some drawbacks to consider when buying a house, compared to apartments:

Higher Upfront Costs

Houses generally cost more than apartments, and buyers must have a significant amount of money for a down payment, closing costs, and other expenses such as home inspections, appraisals, and renovations.

More Maintenance And Higher Utility Bills

Houses require more maintenance and upkeep than apartments. Homeowners are responsible for tasks such as lawn care, cleaning gutters, snow removal, and general repairs, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Houses typically have higher utility bills than apartments due to the larger size and additional features. This can add up to substantial costs over time.

Less Flexibility

Owning a house ties you down to a specific location, making it difficult to move to a different city or state. This can be problematic if you need to relocate for work or other reasons.

Risk Of Market Fluctuations

The housing market can be unpredictable, and the value of your house can fluctuate based on factors such as the economy, housing demand, and interest rates. This can impact your ability to sell the house and potentially leave you with a mortgage that is higher than the value of your property. Note: Buying a house or an apartment depends on individual circumstances. It is important to carefully consider personal preferences, financial goals, and lifestyle needs when deciding whether to buy a house or an apartment.

Is It Better To Buy an Apartment Or A House When Rates Are High?

The decision to buy an apartment or a house when rates are high depends on various factors, including personal preferences, financial situation, and the housing market.

  • High interest rates can result in higher mortgage payments. As a result, some buyers may prefer to buy a more affordable apartment or a smaller house that fits their budget better.
  • Other factors such as the market conditions and the location of the property may also influence the decision. For instance, if the market is highly competitive and there are few available houses, it may be more practical to consider an apartment.
  • Despite higher interest rates, houses may still offer better potential for appreciation in value over the long term. Apartments may have lower appreciation rates, particularly if they are located in areas with oversupply.

Let Home Loan Experts’ Mortgage Brokers Guide You To The Best Choice!

If you are a first-home buyer and have decided to purchase a house or an apartment, we can assist you in finding your ideal lender with the best mortgage rates. And if you’re still uncertain, our experienced brokers are available to evaluate your circumstances and help you make the right decision. Call us on 1300 889 743 or fill in our free online assessment form form to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a mortgage for an apartment?

Yes, you can get a mortgage for an apartment just like you can for a house. However, the mortgage process for apartments may differ slightly from that of houses.

What are some additional costs I should consider when buying a house or an apartment?

Do I need to insure my apartment like a house?

Can I renovate an apartment that I own?

Can I rent out a house or an apartment that I own?

Is it better to buy a house or an apartment as an investment?

Can I buy a house or an apartment with bad credit?

How can I negotiate a lower interest rate with the lender?

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