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Stamp duty in Victoria, or Land Transfer Duty, is a one-off upfront fee the Victoria Government imposes on the buyer when acquiring property. The amount payable varies based on property value, type, and the buyer’s eligibility for concessions or exemptions.

Use our calculator to estimate your stamp-duty costs, mortgage registration fees, and transfer fees.


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Stamp Duty
Mortgage Registration Fee
Transfer Fee
Total Government Fees

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Disclaimer: The results of the stamp duty calculator assumes all the eligibility criteria is met to receive the concession or exemption. The information provided is not a quote or a pre-qualification for a home loan. Please seek financial advice before buying a home.

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How Is Stamp Duty Calculated In Victoria?

Stamp duty in Victoria is calculated based on the market value of the property you are purchasing. The calculation is done on a sliding scale, with different rates applied depending on the property value you’re buying.

Stamp Duty Rates For A Primary Residence as of 1 July 2024.

Dutiable Value Range Rate
$0-$25,000 1.4% of the dutiable value of the property
$25,000-$130,000 $350 plus 2.4% of the dutiable value in excess of $25,000
$130,000-$440,000 $2,870 plus 5% of the dutiable value in excess of $130,000
$440,000-$550,000 $18,370 plus 6% of the dutiable value in excess of $440,000
More than $550,000 The principal place of residence concessional rate does not apply. Please refer to the general land transfer duty rates

Source: Principal place of residence duty rates | State Revenue Office of Victoria

How Much Is Stamp-Duty Concession For First-Home Buyers In Victoria?

Who Is Eligible For The Recent Off-The-Plan Stamp- Duty Concession?

When Is Stamp Duty Payable In VIC?

What Happens If Stamp Duty Is Not Paid On Time?

What Other Costs Should Be Considered Along With Stamp Duty When Buying A House?

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